ROYAL Family Pink Princess Ty Teddy Beanie Baby Bear

Folks, hold on to your hats! And no, this is NOT a prototype. When the existence of this piece came to light, it was absolutely shocking – honestly it was hard to believe until picture proof surfaced of this rare bear. Astonishingly, Ty made three production Princess bears in PINK for the Royal Family. All three examples were signed in gold. These bears are one-of-a-kind. We understand they were intended for Royal Family members as personal condolences from Mr. Warner.

Rarity Tier: ELITE GHOST Rare

Only three of this magnificent piece exist. The piece honestly speaks for itself. Rarity tier falls within ELITE GHOST RARE territory. This is simply one of those pieces that makes mouths drops and brains explode. It also showcases how much Ty really cherished making special pieces for organizations he believed in and individuals who helped facilitate those initiatives.

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