Tabasco Tie-Dyed Bull PROTOTYPE

This piece is a bit of a self indulgence. This piece first came to pass in the 2004/2005 release of a number of prototype sales that ushered in “proto gate”. The piece, after it sold, went completely MIA until just this past year. It came with a bundle of other fully alternate colored vintage prototypes that had no pax hang tags. It is possible this piece was at one point a Tyriffic showcase piece (it came in a lot with other Tyriffic pieces – copper speedy, magenta happy, etc.). For years we hoped it might surface. We are very excited it did.

This is a completely alternate prototype for Tabasco the Bull. While there is another more “prototype-esque” proto of Tabasco (solid tan with red patch), it is so neat to see when Ty went completely wild with a more vintage piece. Tie-dyed peanuts, teddies, even original 9, have all been seen in full tie-dyed attire.

Rarity Rank: 1.5. A full and wild alternate for a 3rd generation original piece. Pax tush tag, but no hang tag. There are so many tie-dyed enthusiasts. These tend to fall in to forever homes. Our guess is that this is what happened with this piece. With the owner having passed away, this item moved to an auction company and found its way back to an active collector.

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