Peanut Royal BLUE and WHITE Prototype Elephant

Here is THE counterpart of counterparts. An original early 1994 Royal Blue Peanut prototype in signature royal blue, with white ears, belly, and tail. Its inverse, the solid white royal blue peanut, we took a look at in our previous post. This piece is adorned in the famous royal blue fabric that has become legendary in the hobby. This prototype has immaculate fur. It has solid white inner ears, solid white belly, and a braided white tail.

Rarity Rank: -.5/-1. There are a couple of Peanut prototypes that are more remarkable, but this piece is THE iteration most accepted as the original royal blue peanut prototype. Its existence/survival/presence is WOW factor enough, putting it into the excruciatingly elite -.5 category. Easily a -1 piece for most collectors who, again, would view this piece as absolute pinnacle royalty. Side by side with its white counterpart – this set is really just stupendous. This set was, again, shared by a very senior ty executive, who kept the pair under wraps for decades.

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