Humphrey Prototype SOLID Fuchsia The Camel!

This might be our favorite prototype of all time. Humphrey is one of the most iconic original 1st generation pieces. There are 2-3 prototypes known to have survived for this piece, but none in a FULL color departure from production. This piece is complete with pax hang and tush tag, and is comprised completely of fuchsia fabric (deep fuchsia? We would need to set this down next to a deep fuchsia patti to be sure). Interestingly, this piece has early 1993 pax tag dates. Typically, full color departures for 1st generation pieces come with 1992 pax dates. This either means that Ty got a late start on Humphrey and pushed to introduce him in the 1st generation, or perhaps there were earlier prototypes made in different fabrics that are either buried, or did not survive.

Rarity Rank: -.5. It’s a FUCHSIA 1st generation Humphrey! This is another piece that just tugs at heart strings. A striking 1st generation departure that checks every single elite beanie box. It took years of searching before this piece finally came to light.

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