Nana Tie-Dyed Monkey Prototype!!!

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…a TIE-DYED NANA THE MONKEY PROTOTYPE! When we first saw this piece, our mouths dropped. Everyone simultaneously mouthed “it’s a freaking tie-dyed nana!!”. This piece is complete with pax hang and tush tag. 1993 pax dates!

Rarity Rank: -.5/-1. This would be another of those “COME ON” pieces. An original Nana prototype. Full color WILD departure. Beautiful coloring too. A piece that will make any serious collector’s mouth drop. Honestly a contender for the elite -1 club. I think it comes down to if the Nana style can be considered as elite a style as the chef robuchon or #1 rep bear. But for many, a piece like this is more impressive. Many collectors hold some version of Nana as the crown jewel of their collection (German nana, Korean Nana, Nana no bongo sticker MQ etc.).

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