Nana the Cream and Blue PROTOTYPE Monkey – Tyriffic

In a Nana Mood:). While not as famous as his red and cream counterpart, this royal blue and cream nana is very much a part of the Tyriffic Nana troop! Any Tyriffic Nana is a prize beyond measure in Ty land. Finding out where both known royal blue Tyriffic nana prototypes ended up was a personal mission for this Ty Enthusiast. Fatefully, both did in fact survive. Initially there was confusion on whether only one or two royal blue prototype Nanas existed (blue and cream, and blue and yellow), but we have picture proof for both examples now. This white and cream example is in the case below with five other examples (red and cream, orange and brown, yellow and brown, green and yellow, magenta and yellow).

Rarity Rank: -.5. This is a piece of legends. It is the rarest variety of Tyriffic Prototype (see pictures below) and is a wild, true, complete, VIVID color departure for the famous and rare Nana. “Tyriffic Nanas” are among the most coveted and fiercely collected prototypes in the hobby. Technically, there are eight of them. As you will see, this piece had its pax tags removed for display purposes, but this is well known and does not impact the value of this piece.

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