Royal Blue Peanut Prototype: Bug Eyes!

This is the very final Royal Blue Peanut prototype that we have on record that has not yet been reviewed on this blog. Behold, the BUG-EYES Royal Blue Peanut;). This piece is a divisive little thing. Some collectors instantly fall in love, while others put this guy in the “weirdo” camp. This author is unfortunately more in the latter camp…. Let’s break this piece down. First, this is a true royal blue peanut prototype! Early 1994 pax dates, complete with pax tags, departure from production. We even have Ty’s initials signing off on the piece! This is enough to push this piece into the upper echelons of prototype land (a true 3rd generation royal blue peanut prototype!). The ears are a very neat peach orange – distinct from the production light pink signature ears Peanut production has. And, THE EYES!;). Blue beads with black dots. So bizarre. Ty has played around with eyes before. We swear there are other protos with odd eyes out there…circling back on this.

Rarity Rank: 0/-0.5. If you’re of the weirdo camp…an elite rank 0 is where you might lean. INCREDIBLE PIECE…just hoping for a stronger, more conventional departure as we have seen with the few other surviving prototype peanuts. But if the differences are more endearing…and you want a prototype peanut that still heavily resembles its most famous production counterpart, then we could see the -.5 rank fitting.

Production Peanut with signature pink ears.

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