Ty Billionaire #2 Bear #1 of 475!

The “#1” in a series (Billionaire bears, Coral Casino, #1 rep bear, etc.) has always been shrouded in mystery and allure. Always rumored to have been kept by Mr. Warner/his family. We have covered a few “#1 of’s” so far (#1 #1 bear, #1 UK Billy, #1 Canadian Billy). Here we have the #1 Billionaire #2 bear! This piece is numbered #1 of 475 – Billionaire 2 bear was, for the longest time, the rarest and most limited Billionaire Bear in the hobby that went out in any reasonable quantity. The bear today is still the most expensive to secure in the regular 1-21 line.

Rarity Tier: UNIQUE Rare

There is only one #1 Billionaire #2 bear. We have seen a few other very low number examples – though we can’t recall a single digit in recent memory. Another piece that is essentially priceless and falls into the camp of “a collector will do whatever it takes to secure” if the opportunity ever arises to secure a piece like this. It has taken this blogger over 10 years to simply secure pictures of this fascinating piece. But, proof is in the pudding.

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