Clubby IV Prototypes + Signed: Gold, Silver, and Rainbow buttons

Clubby IV – another piece well documented by the BBPG:

This piece was distributed in a plastic box that concealed which color button your Clubby had. Ty also signed buttons for each variety – rainbow, gold, and silver. It is unknown how many he signed in total, or per color. Below, signed examples of all three. These are becoming tougher and tougher to find. We have included this piece given it was sent out from Ty as a distinct, signed variation. These, over the years, were graded as “extremely rare”. While, at present time, we really don’t have any idea how many of these Ty signed, if we had to venture an educated, ‘educated guess’ – Ty, at most, maybe signed 36 total examples. 20 multi-colored, 10 silver, and 6 gold signed, would line up with past signed ventures, and general themes Ty stuck with, regarding fewer numbers signed between bronze, silver, and gold (trading card logic). On record, there are far fewer recorded examples (only a couple per example). So perhaps the number is actually lower, or there are a number that never surfaced/remained hidden. This piece is highly forged – with forged signatures on top of the Ty button. Authentic examples have Ty’s signature underneath the button.

A complete set of signed Clubby 4 bears (gold, silver, rainbow – wow!)

Clubby 4 Prototype set: The below trio do have 1998 pax dated tags, but this would put them too late to be prototypes for the original Clubby 1 Bear. We believe they correspond to Clubby IV given the set contains an example with gold button (yellow bear), silver button (green bear), and rainbow button (blue bear)! Wild variation colors and cool crystal noses!

Rarity Rank: 2.75 These are STRONG departures for a newer vintage piece. Complete pax tags – we believe the set was separated. We would love to see them reunited someday.

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